Understanding, Maintaining and Troubleshooting ControlLogix Systems


The most fundamental and critical aspects of a ControlLogix System that every maintenance personnel needs to know

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The Understanding and Troubleshooting ControlLogix Systems Training Series contains 10 modules which cover
the most critical and fundamental ControlLogix skills that every maintenance technician needs to know, resulting
in more efficient and effective troubleshooting and increased business competitiveness.

This training program was designed specifically for Maintenance personnel to sharpen their troubleshooting skills
in a ControlLogix environment.

Tablet Training Portal comes with one ControlLogix Handbook Collection.

Module 1 Introduction to the ControlLogix—General Structure, Number Systems, and Basics of Boolean Logic
Module 2 ControlLogix Hardware Composition, I/O Structure and Architecture—Introduction to Tags
Module 3 Navigating the Studio 5000 Software and Creating, Opening and Understanding Projects
Module 4 Connecting to the Controller—Establishing RSLinx Connection to the Network
Module 5 ControlLogix Project Organization and Frequently Used Tag Structures
Module 6 Troubleshooting Ladder Diagram Logic in the ControlLogix System
Module 7 Creating and Editing Tags and Code—Documenting Troubleshooting Changes
Module 8 Troubleshooting Using the Studio 5000 Software—Using I/O Forcing and Toggling Functions
Module 9 Troubleshooting ControlLogix Hardware—Discrete and Analog I/O
Module 10 Troubleshooting Remote I/O, Controller and Power Supply—Using the Trend and Compare Tools to Troubleshoot